Steer Me Right! (Failing Power Steering Hose)
January 28, 2024
Most drivers love how easy it is to turn their vehicles, and they have power steering to thank. Engineers have figured out a way to take some of your engine's power to help you turn. Without it, steering can be quite a chore. New power systems are electric, but there are still plenty of the old... More

For 4x4s (Maintenance of 4x4 Vehicles)
January 21, 2024
Some people love 4x4 vehicles, the true 4-wheel drive works of engineering like Jeeps and 4x4 pickups that allow you to seemingly go anywhere on the planet. You can climb up a 40-degree rock trail with some planning and skill (always careful to protect the environment, of course), or you can get ... More

That Squeal is Telling You Something (What Causes Squealing While Steering)
January 14, 2024
If you hear a squealing noise when you turn your vehicle, it's trying to tell you something is wrong. After all, it never made that noise before, right? The sound you hear may becoming from a few sources. Let's take a look (or a listen) to some of the possibilities. First, you almost certainl... More

Power Failure (Broken Power Seat)
January 7, 2024
Know anyone who doesn't love a power seat in an SUV, a car, truck or van? They're convenient and precise in their adjustments. But when they break, oh, what a pain. Not only is it inconvenient, it may leave your seat position too close to the steering wheel or too far from the pedals. This is ... More

The Importance of Columbus Drivers Following Service Intervals
January 1, 2024
Today in our Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Grandview blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Columbus with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How about l... More