The Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Grandview Guide to Custom Wheels
October 31, 2021
If you're interested in customizing the wheels and tires on your vehicle, there are a few things you should know first.Most importantly, the wheels you buy need to fit your vehicle. Not all wheels are created equal. Too many Columbus drivers have bought a set of wheels that caught their eye, the... More

Fuel Injection Keeps Getting Better for Columbus Motorists
October 24, 2021
Columbus residents know that engines burn fuel to operate. Fuel is pumped from your fuel tank to your engine where it is squirtedor injectedinto your engine's cylinders. This is the function of the fuel injectors.There are two ways to inject fuel into an engine. Fuel needs air to burn, so in the ... More

Watching Your Check Engine Light
October 17, 2021
Did you know that most of the cars driving around Columbus, Ohio, carry more computer power than the Apollo 121 Lunar Module that landed on the moon in 1969?New cars sold in the Columbus area have as many as 12 networked computers and over five miles (eight kilometers) of wiring. In fact, for th... More

Wipe Out! New Wiper Blades for Columbus Drivers
October 10, 2021
When people in Columbus talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around Ohio? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them or our wip... More

Objects in the Mirror (Rearview Mirror Safety and Maintenance)
October 3, 2021
You may remember a song that went, "Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are." While that was a song about life's lessons, there are a few things we should all know about how important rearview mirrors are to safe driving. While new electronic devices are helping drivers be ... More